5 Steps for Improving Your B2B Ecommerce Presence

As digital commerce grows exponentially, manufacturers and distributors must rethink how they expand their business online and with mobile. With challenges like supply chain disruption, shipping delays, worker shortages, and more, many B2B companies are changing many of the longstanding ways they have traditionally conducted business.

While B2B ecommerce expands, businesses have sought to improve their B2B ecommerce presence. Customers expect a quick and easy shopping experience in today's consumer-focused market. With enhanced personalization, and online and mobile buying experiences, customers make their purchases faster than ever.

If your B2B company wants to improve your B2B ecommerce presence, focus on these five steps, creating a robust catalog, offering a fast and easy checkout process, adding personalization, optimizing mobile experiences, and finding additional ways of engaging customers. 

1. Create a Robust, User-Friendly Catalog of Products

B2B product catalogs can provide many advantages, such as helping businesses increase sales, save valuable time, and increase revenue. B2B businesses utilizing the management of an online catalog should make sure their catalog is robust and user-friendly.

Product catalogs should offer real-time integration, rich and engaging content, a wide range of products, and more to make the catalogs more user-friendly.

2. Provide a Fast and Convenient Checkout Process

Optimizing the B2B ecommerce checkout experience for B2B customers is crucial. The checkout process needs to be as seamless as possible for customers, which can help increase sales and lessen the likelihood that a customer will abandon their cart.

Improve the B2B ecommerce checkout process by improving page loading speed, optimizing the mobile experience, making necessary product information readily available, offering multi-payment options (even the flexibility of installment payments over time), and more

3. Personalization is Vital

Another strategy to improve your B2B digital presence is by personalizing your online and mobile sites more. Personalization will grow customer loyalty and increase cart value. More intelligent targeting and a better understanding of your B2B customers will help you create more relevant and pleasing ecommerce experiences that meet your customers' high standards and expectations.

4. Optimize for Mobile

Beyond your business being accessible through a mobile device, the shopping experience on mobile has to be seamless, fast, and straightforward. This can be solved with a robust, easy-to-navigate catalog and a simplified checkout process.

5. Add More Touch Points to Engage Customers

Having additional touch points of interaction with your customer can keep them engaged on your site and encourage other sales. Touchpoints you can include on your B2B ecommerce site that will add value for your customers as they engage and interact with your site could be a customer portal that allows them to pay invoices quickly, the ability to contact your support team instantly, view their shopping lists of frequently ordered items, parts, and more. 

Taking Your B2B Company to the Next Level

In today’s post-pandemic digital ecommerce era, B2B ecommerce companies must be more willing to change and adapt. Prioritizing the five steps shared above will help. Customers demand a barrier-free, personalized shopping experience, similar to what they have enjoyed in many traditional B2B commerce settings, with the modern benefit of an intuitive, simplified, effortless, and always available digital shopping experience.

ROC Commerce builds high performance digital storefronts with intelligent personalization and targeting tailored to your B2B customer's unique needs. ROC Commerce has the capabilities and year-to-year track record of B2B success to maximize every visit to your website.

Contact us today to explore ways ROC Commerce can empower digital transformation for your business.