SMC Case Study

Powering Success in Online B2B Commerce

Since 1950, SMC has been a family owned business located in Springfield, MO. The organization specializes in the distribution of the finest products and consultative services in the electrical supply, automation, data communications, fluid power and security industries.


When SMC Electric wanted to strengthen their online B2B functionalities, they put their trust in


Harnessing the powerful ROC Commerce platform, SMC Electric and set out to accomplish the primary goals of encouraging the use of the website vs. traditional business modes, creating a personalized search experience, abiding by manufacture distribution rules and providing an overall cohesive online visitor experience. Today SMC’s advanced B2B ecommerce functionality gives customers full ability and the motivation to make purchases online and arrange shipping logistics.

In addition, SMC can manage their invoicing, product lists, inventory control and conform to geographic sales restrictions all from the website. The SMC site also has implemented Hawksearch, the powerful search tool that offers customers a personalized and easy to use search experience. SMC Electric can now fully engage their diverse audience with all of their consultative services in addition to the product lines. The collaboration between SMC Electric and has delivered a B2B ecommerce experience that is redefining how business is done in the marketplace.
